計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-22001 砷暴露長期健康危害及基因環境交互作用之研究 Arsenic-induced long-term health hazards and gene-environment interactions |
2022/08/01-2025/07/31 |
張典顯 Tien-Hsien Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-22002 研究CADASIL疾病的致病機轉及開發有潛力的治療措施 Investigation of the pathogenic mechanism of CADASIL and potential therapeutic interventions |
2022/03/14-2023/12/31 |
黃怡萱 Yi-Shuian Huang |
AS-IRB-BM-22003 HLA超級捐贈者iPS幹細胞於精準再生醫學之應用 Precise tissue regeneration using HLA superdonor iPSC |
2022/05/01-2026/04/30 |
謝清河 Patrick Ching-Ho Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-22004 發展迴紋針型式新型抗菌肽之下一代藥物治療抗藥性細菌感染與臨床應用 Development of the next generation of novel stapled antimicrobial peptide against multidrug-resistant and biofilmforming pathogens for clinical applications |
2022/02/15-2024/05/31 |
陳志毅 Jyh-Yih Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22006 南臺灣可歸因於PM2.5的疾病負擔:環境和社會不平等的影響 Attributable disease burdens associated with PM2.5 in Southern Taiwan: effects of environmental and social inequalities |
2022/02/09-2025/12/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-22007 家戶消費、勞動供給及健康對財富衝擊的反應:台灣的實證研究 Households' Consumption, Labor Supply and Health Response to Wealth Shocks |
2022/08/01-2026/07/31 |
簡錦漢 Kamhon Kan |
AS-IRB-BM-22008 健檢數據異常對後續疾病發生風險與疾病負擔的關係 The relationship between abnormal health check-up data and subsequent disease risk and disease burden |
2022/03/15-2025/12/31 |
詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
AS-IRB-BM-22011 以語言習得的認知歷程探討雙語政策對國小學童中文與英文語言發展的交互影響 The Bilingual Education Policies' influence on Primary School Students' Mandarin and English Performance: A Cognitive Approach |
2022/04/18-2026/12/31 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-22012 台灣精準醫療計畫資料與台灣人體生物資料庫統計分析 Statistical analyses of Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative and Taiwan Biobank data |
2022/05/23-2025/12/31 |
黃彥棕 Yen-Tsung Huang |
AS-IRB-BM-22013 環境空汙懸浮微粒的氧化活性及其呼吸道健康危害之研究—大氣中懸浮微粒的氧化活性 Investigation of ambient air particulate matter oxidative potential as a critical respiratory health risk parameter—Oxidative potential of atmospheric particulate matters |
2022/07/01-2024/06/30 |
梁茂昌 Mao-Chang Liang |
AS-IRB-BM-22015 以細胞激素篩選促進人類類胚囊構造的形成 Generation of Blastocyst-like Structure from Human Embryonic Stem Cells with Cytokine Screens |
2022/04/18-2029/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-22016 腫瘤相關之髓細胞生成在前列腺癌之骨轉移進程中的角色及具潛力之干預措施 The role of cancer-associated myelopoiesis in tumor progression of bone metastatic prostate cancer and potential interventions. |
2023/01/01-2025/12/31 |
陳繪名 Hui-Ming Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22017 探討PD-L1於食道癌腫瘤微環境中之表現及與預後的關係 To investigate the correlation between PD-L1 expression and prognosis in esophageal cancer patients |
2022/08/17-2024/04/01 |
陳世淯 Shih-Yu Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22018 總計畫: 南臺灣建成環境細懸浮微粒控制之永續健康策略(Sustainable Health Strategy for Fine Particulate Matter Control in the Built Environment of Southern Taiwan) 子計畫二: 改善空氣品質與減緩呼吸道感染之相關性評估 Mitigation of air pollution enhanced respiratory tract infections through improving air quality |
2022/06/22-2027/12/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-22022 使用奈米疫苗之免疫原性數據集與綜合功能表位分析研發新型抗癌新生抗原預測模組 Advancing cancer neoantigen prediction through nanovaccine-based immunogenicity dataset and integrated functional epitope analysis |
2022/07/26-2025/05/01 |
胡哲銘 Che-Ming Jack Hu |
AS-IRB-BM-22025 研發應用於骨轉移腫瘤之具骨髓標靶潛力的免疫生藥治療 Explore and Development of the Potential Immunopharmacognostic Interventions via Targeting Bone Marrow Niches in Bone Metastasis. |
2023/01/01-2026/12/31 |
陳繪名 Hui-Ming Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22029 生育津貼與小孩健康衝擊對家戶行為的影響 Family Responses to Birth Allowance and Children's Disability Shocks |
2022/08/01-2025/07/31 |
楊子霆 Tzu-Ting Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-22030 運動員環境熱危害及PM2.5暴險初探研究 Pilot exposure assessment study for heat stress and PM2.5 in athlete |
2022/07/26-2026/12/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-22031 氣喘智慧吸入器: 人工智慧吸入藥物管理及氣喘風險預測 Asthma intelligent inhaler: AI inhaler management and risk prediction |
2022/11/04-2025/07/31 |
陳璿宇 Hsuan-Yu Chenn |
AS-IRB-BM-22033 閱讀障礙和注意力不足過動症在自然閱讀中的神經機制及其差異 The differences in the neural mechanisms underlying the natural reading between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Reading Dyslexia (RD) |
2022/08/02-2026/09/30 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-22035 總計畫:苦痛的青少年們:一個對於青少年邊緣型人格症狀和自殺症狀之三年追蹤神經認知、神經影像學和質性訪談研究 子計畫一:邊緣型人格症狀和自殺症狀之青少年:一個3年追蹤之神經認知、神經影像學和質性訪談前瞻性研究 子計畫二:青少年自傷、病痛軌跡與污名管理 Thematic Project:Adolescents suffer: A 3-year neurocognitive,neuroimaging and qualitative follow-up study of adolescentsuicide and borderline personality symptoms Sub-projects 1:Adolescents with borderline personality andsuicide symptoms: a 3-year neurocognitive, neuroimaging andqualitative follow-up study Sub-projects 2:Adolescent self-injury, illness trajectory and stigma management |
2023/01/01-2026/12/31 |
曾凡慈 Fan-Tzu Tseng |
AS-IRB-BM-22039 抗菌肽 Piscidin 4 (TP4) 的異手性胜肽-脂質結合物用於新型抗真菌之治療 Development of Tilapia Piscidin 4 (TP4)-based heterochiral peptide-lipid conjugates for novel antifungal therapy |
2023/01/01-2025/12/31 |
陳志毅 Jyh-Yih Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22040 第二語言學習者處理性別一致性的神經機制 The neural mechanism of gender agreement processing in second language acquisition |
2022/09/01-2027/08/31 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-22042 從構詞句法學的角度探討情態與時間標記之心理/神經語言學處理:以臺灣華語「有字句」為例 On the expression of temporal reference with modal information from a morphosyntactic and psycho-/neuro-linguistic perspective: The case of ‘you (to have) + VP’ in Taiwan Mandarin |
2022/08/04-2024/06/30 |
齊莉莎 Elizabeth Zeitoun |
AS-IRB-BM-22043 高通量之多體學分析平台建置與其於傳染病檢體之應用 Establishing high-throughput multi-omic analysis platforms for infectious biological samples |
2023/01/01-2026/12/31 |
陳世淯 Shih-Yu Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22044 開發新穎的AhR拮抗劑針對樹突細胞進行腫瘤免疫治療 Development of Novel AhR Antagonists for Cancer Immunotherapy via Dendritic Cell Targeting |
2022/08/11-2027/07/31 |
李永凌 Yung-Ling Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-22045 罕見遺傳型變異基因偵測、監督暨防治計畫 Detection, Surveillance and Management Plans for Rare Germline Genetic Variants |
2022/10/11-2023/12/31 |
陳律佑 Liuh-Yow Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22046 零耗能防護紗網應用於降低室內細懸浮微粒暴露及其健康效益評估 Mitigation and health benefit evaluation to reducing indoor PM exposures by zero energy protection window screens |
2022/10/11-2027/12/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-22047 建構新穎條碼化細胞激素病毒庫以篩選胚胎幹細胞增生因子及其他生物醫學上之應用 Construction of a novel barcoded cytokine lentiviral library for embryonic stem cell expansion and other biological and medical purposes |
2023/01/01-2026/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-22048 通過改善腦能量流失來治療阿茲海默症 Treatment of Alzheimer's disease by overcoming energy crisis |
2022/09/26-2029/12/31 |
陳儀莊 Yijuang Chern |
AS-IRB-BM-22050 腎功能及腎病變相關指標之國際合作分析及多基因疾病風險建構 Meta analysis of kidney functions and chronic kidney diseases through international consortiums and construction of polygenic risk scores |
2022/12/06-2025/12/01 |
陳建勳 Chien-Hsiun Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22051 阿茲海默症病人腦中唾液酸結合醣蛋白(Siglec)的配體鑑定(初期研究) Functional and structural analysis of Siglec ligands in Alzheimer disease |
2023/01/01-2025/12/31 |
安形高志 |
AS-IRB-BM-22053 社會網絡的行塑與轉變: 生命歷程與跨物種的研究--失調然後衰弱或是衰弱後失調? 以公衛與神經科學角度觀察長者的社會網絡關係變化 Major Transitions in Social Network Formation: Cross species and over life course- Dysfunctional then decay, or decay then dysfunctional? A public health and neuroscientific study on the social networks of the elderly |
2023/01/01-2027/10/31 |
詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
AS-IRB-BM-22054 從誘導多能幹細胞產生人類類卵巢器官之透納氏症候群研究模型 Generation of human ovarian organoids from induced pluripotent stem cell model of Turner Syndrome |
2022/11/01-2027/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-22056 利用基因體測繪技術診斷長片段重複序列擴增相關疾病 Deciphering the role of tandem repeat expansions detection with Optical Genome Mapping Technology |
2022/12/21-2024/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-22057 失智症延遲診斷之潛在風險是否存在性別差異 Exploring the gender difference of miss and delayed diagnosis of dementia |
2022/12/21-2026/12/01 |
吳齊殷 Chyi-In Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-22058 骨免疫病變相關指標之國際合作分析及多基因疾病風險建構 Meta analysis of genome-wide association analysis and construction of polygenic risk score of osteoimmunologic diseases |
2023/01/02-2024/02/02 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-22059 肝臟疾病免疫調控與致病機轉之深入探討 Deep-profiling the immune regulation and disease mechanism in liver diseases |
2023/01/12-2025/12/15 |
鄭揚 Yang Cheng |
AS-IRB-BM-22061 探討KMT2D/MLL4染色質修飾酶在白血病之致病機制以及成為抗癌靶標之醫療應用 Investigation of the oncogenic role of KMT2D/MLL4 chromatinmodifying enzyme in leukemia and its potential as a therapeutic target for anticancer therapy |
2023/01/12-2027/12/31 |
王書品 Shu-Ping Wang |
AS-IRB-BM-22063 探討c-Kit在類固醇抗藥型氣喘中對先天性淋巴細胞調控所扮演的角色 Investigating the role of c-Kit signaling in ILC function in steroid-resistant asthma |
2023/08/01-2026/07/31 |
張雅貞 Ya-Jen Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-22064 |
2023/03/08-2025/12/31 |
陳韻如 Yun-Ru Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22065 深度免疫特性評測分析以提昇晚期肝細胞癌的腫瘤免疫治療 Deep-profiling the characteristics of immune responses to improve late-stage hepatocellular carcinoma and tumor immunotherapy |
2023/01/12-2028/01/01 |
鄭揚 Yang Cheng |
AS-IRB-BM-22066 探討空污急性暴露對於易感族群之心跳變異度及體內發炎指標之影響 The effects of acute exposure to air pollution on heart rate variability and in vivo inflammatory markers in susceptible populations |
2023/02/07-2025/07/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-22068 利用誘導式多能幹細胞所建立之三維神經肌肉類器官體來探討核旁斑體因子作為對肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症中TDP43蛋白質病變的治療標的 Characterization of paraspeckle-associated components as a therapeutic target for TDP43 proteinopathy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using induced pluripotent stem cell derived 3D neuromuscular organoids |
2023/08/01-2026/07/31 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
AS-IRB-BM-22069 上皮卵巢癌(OC)中Period2 (PER2)增強子之選擇使用與分層3D基因組結構、上皮間質轉化(EMT)以及細胞外基質(ECM)重編程之關聯 Alternative PER2 (Period2) enhancer usage in epithelial ovarian cancer (OC) and the functional consequences in 3D genome structure, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling |
2023/03/08-2024/12/31 |
黃雯華 Wendy Hwang-Verslues |
AS-IRB-BM-22070 開發深度生成模型用於大規模合成基因組數據以改進疾病風險預測 Development of Deep Generative Models for Synthesizing Genomic Data at Scale to Improve Disease Risk Prediction |
2023/08/01-2025/07/31 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fann |
AS-IRB-BM-22071 研究環鳥苷酸-腺苷酸合成酶-干擾素基因刺激因子在非細胞自主激活糖化細胞程式死亡受 體 -1之作用 Investigate the role of cGAS/STING in non-cell autonomous activation of gPD-L1 |
2023/08/01-2026/07/31 |
李家偉 Chia-Wei Li |
AS-IRB-BM-22072 利用全基因體單核苷酸變異與其交互作用建立及驗證肥胖預測模型,並探討與減重成效有關之遺傳因素 Using whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphisms andinteractions to establish and validate obesity predictionmodels, and to explore the genetic factors related to weight loss |
2023/05/16-2024/12/31 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
AS-IRB-BM-22074 化學誘導視網膜前驅細胞的標準化製程建構 Standardization in manufacturing of chemically induced retinal progenitor cells |
2023/03/29-2027/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-22075 開發高效能自然殺手細胞相關之免疫療法 Development of highly potent natural killer cells based immunotherapy |
2023/07/01-2026/06/30 |
陳世淯 Shih-Yu Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22076 研發對抗ENO1抗體與EGFRvIII CAR-T免疫細胞療法於癌症之治療 Development of anti-ENO1 therapeutic antibodies and EGFRvIII CAR-T for cancer therapy |
2023/03/08-2025/12/31 |
吳漢忠 Han-Chung Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-22077 上皮細胞粘著分子(EpCAM)調節免疫抑制型腫瘤微環境與轉移的功能性探討 The functional role of EpCAM in regulating immune-suppressed tumor microenviroment and metastasis |
2023/08/01-2026/07/31 |
吳漢忠 Han-Chung Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-22078 探討表觀遺傳與粒線體代謝迴路於急性白血病抗藥性形成之可能角色與其醫療應用 The role of epigenetic-metabolic circuits in the development of drug resistance in acute myeloid leukemia and relevant clinical implications |
2023/08/01-2026/07/31 |
王書品 Shu-Ping Wang |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-22010 優化唾液樣本之新狀病毒核酸檢測 Optimization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in saliva samples |
2022/04/18-2023/04/01 |
2023/03/31結案 |
林宜玲 Yi-Ling Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-22014 深入研究B型肝炎病毒多樣性在B型肝炎帶原且表面抗原陽性者 Deep profiling of HBV variants in HBeAg-positive chronic HBV patients from the REVEAL-HBV cohort |
2022/04/18-2023/02/28 |
2023/03/21結案 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-22019 以多元體位資訊及尿液代謝圖譜預測兒童肥胖併發症 Predicting obesity-related consequences from alternative body measures and urine metabolomics in Taiwanese children |
2022/05/12-2023/07/31 |
鄒德里 Der-Lii M. Tzou |
AS-IRB-BM-22020 探索RNA修飾機制並開發ALS治療新途徑 Exploiting the mechanisms of RNA modification and developing new therapeutic avenues in ALS |
2023/01/01-2027/12/31 |
2023/12/21 結案 |
陳俊安 Jun-An Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22021 探討泛素連接酶WDR4在肺癌中扮演的功能及其調控機制 Investigate the functional role of E3 ligase WDR4 in lung cancer progression and related signaling pathway |
2022/05/27-2026/05/01 *2023/08/23結案 |
陳瑞華 Ruey-Hwa Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22023 泛素特異性蛋白酶第48型引發細胞自噬體-溶酶體功能缺陷導致Tau蛋白病理沈積物之堆積與阿滋海默症致病機轉相關性之轉譯醫學研究 The ubiquitin-specific protease 48-elicited deficits in autophagy-lysosomal pathway contribute to the ramification of tauopathy and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease |
2022/08/01-2025/07/31 |
廖永豐 Yung-Feng Liao |
AS-IRB-BM-22026 藉由靶向 T細胞DNMT3a 增強抗腫瘤免疫力 Enhancing anti-tumor immunity by targeting DNMT3a in T cells |
2023/01/01-2028/12/31 |
2023/12/22 結案 |
李家偉 Chia-Wei Li |
AS-IRB-BM-22034 粒線體基因編輯及粒線體損傷修復機制 Mitochondrial genome editing and the associated stress responses |
2023/01/01-2026/12/31 |
2023/12/26 結案 |
凌嘉鴻 Steven Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-22036 研究 IDH1 熱點突變事件在實體瘤中與血管生成、預後因素和精準醫療選擇之間的關係 Investigate the relationship between IDH1 hotspot mutational events and angiogenesis, prognostic factors, and precision medicine options in solid tumors |
2023/01/01-2023/12/31 *2023/08/7結案 |
蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
AS-IRB-BM-22037 B型肝炎表面抗原濃度與病毒量長期變化趨勢之影響因素:一個以社區為基礎的世代研究 Determinants of Changes in Serum Levels of HBsAg and HBV DNA : A Community-Based Follow-up Study |
2023/01/01-2023/12/31 |
陳建仁 Chien-jen Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-22041 利用人類誘導式全能性幹細胞所分化之運動神經細胞及神經肌肉類器官體來開發長鏈的非轉錄RNA NEAT1反義寡核苷酸作為肌萎縮性側索硬化症治療藥 物 Developing long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) NEAT1 antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) as potential ALS therapeutics usingdisease iPSC-derived motor neuron and neuromuscular organoids |
2023/01/01-2023/12/31 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
AS-IRB-BM-22049 STAT3-Galectin-3 Axis調控巨噬細胞極化和胞葬作用以減緩嗜中性球發炎反應與氣喘 STAT3-Galectin-3 Axis Regulates Macrophage Polarization and Efferocytosis to Ameliorate Neutrophilic Inflammation and Asthma |
2022/11/04-2027/12/31 |
李永凌 Yung-Ling Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-22052 定義小分子藥物之培養條件以擴增培養軟骨前驅細胞 Defined Culture Conditions for Chondrogenic Progenitor Cell Expansion Using Small Molecules |
2023/01/13-2028/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-22073 鯊烯合成酵素在肺腺癌中調節迴路的轉化醫學應用 Translational medicine applications for the regulatory circuits of Squalene Synthase in lung adenocarcinoma |
2023/08/01-2025/07/31 |
蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |