計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-19001 社會情境因素對於創傷後壓力症候之HRV及電生理數據分析研究 Testing electroencephalography algorithm and HRV analysis for the mediation of social context in posttraumatic stress disorder |
2019/08/01-2024/08/01 |
蔡志鑫 Arthur C. Tsai |
AS-IRB-BM-19007 臺灣動脈硬化心血管疾病之新生物標記研究 Novel biomarker research for the development and progression of atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease in Taiwan |
2019/04/24-2026/12/31 |
郭沛恩 Pui-Yan Kwok |
AS-IRB-BM-19008 探討HBD.Fc基因工程蛋白在組織修復及誘導再生性巨噬細胞分化之免疫調控 Immunomodulatory effect of HBD.Fc on the tissue repair and regenerative macrophage induction |
2019/08/01-2024/07/31 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-19009 面部色彩望診影像建立:以健康狀態的男性阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症為例 Correlating features abstracted from facial images with health status using men with obstructive sleep apnea as an example |
2019/05/01-2022/05/01 |
徐讚昇 Tsan-Sheng Hsu |
AS-IRB-BM-19011 誰來照顧老人:臺灣與歐洲的比較研究 Who care for the elderly: A comparative Study of Taiwan and Europe |
2019/03/29-2021/07/01 |
柯瓊芳 Chyong-Fang Ko |
AS-IRB-BM-19012 探討細菌致病性及發炎是如何受到腸胃道黏膜的調控 To delineate how bacterial pathogenicity and inflammation are under the control of gastrointestinal mucosal glycosylation |
2019/04/24-2021/12/31 |
林俊宏 Chun-Hung Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-19014 臺灣人口基因變異分析 Analysis of genomic variants in the Taiwan population |
2019/06/01-2029/06/01 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-19019 纖維肌痛症調控酸的止痛作用與痠痛感之分子遺傳機制研究 Molecular and genetic controls of acid-mediated antinociception and soreness phenotypes in fibromyalgia study |
2019/05/28-2028/12/31 |
陳志成 Chih-Cheng Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-19020 使用因果中介模型來研究台灣人體生物資料庫中紫外線、空氣污染、以及基因體結構變異之間的因果關係 Mediation Analyses of Ultraviolet, Air Pollution, and Structural Variations in Human Genomes from the Taiwan Biobank |
2019/06/18-2024/12/31 |
黃彥棕 Yen-Tsung Huang |
AS-IRB-BM-19023 慢性B型肝炎患者自然里程碑和疾病進展與人類白血球抗原3’非編碼區遺傳變異定序之相關研究 Sequencing three prime untranslated regions of human leukocyte antigen loci associated with natural milestones and disease progression of chronic hepatitis B patients |
2019/08/01-2021/07/31 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-19024 一個新穎遺傳修飾過的血液系統與抗癌/健康/長壽 Tumor Resistance and Healthy Longevity Conferred by a Genetically Modified Hematopoietic/ Blood System |
2019/08/01-2025/07/31 |
廖南詩 Nan-Shih Liao |
AS-IRB-BM-19025 醣結合蛋白在慢性傷口癒合上的在上皮化與發炎反應的功能 Role of galectins in skin to regulate chronic wound healing |
2019/07/30-2025/12/31 |
陳煥源 Huan-Yuan Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-19027 慢性淋巴性白血病B細胞糖化修飾的基因表達標記鑑定及其與臨床病徵的關聯性研究 Glycosylation-related gene expression signature of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and its association with clinical phenotype |
2019/06/12-2024/12/31 |
安形高志 Takashi Angata |
AS-IRB-BM-19030 詞頻,語境變異,與語意變異對詞彙表徵建立的影響 The roles of word frequency, contextual diversity, and semantic diversity in the development of mental lexical representation |
2019/08/01-2022/07/31 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-19032 使用CRISPR / Cas9開發針對固體瘤的新一代免疫細胞療法 To develop a next-generation cell based immunotherapy against solid tumors using CRISPR/Cas9 |
2019/07/01-2022/06/30 |
陳世淯 Shih-Yu Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-19034 使用台灣生物資料庫及英國生物資料庫之資料探討鐵、鎂狀態與疾病發生之因果關係 Elucidation of the causal role of iron and magnesium status on multiple clinical outcomes using UK Biobank and Taiwan Biobank dataset |
2019/07/17-2024/06/30 |
潘文涵 WenHarn Pan |
AS-IRB-BM-19036 人類轉錄因子結合位點的測定 Determining human transcription factor binding sites |
2019/10/14-2024/12/31 |
李文雄 Wen-Hsiung Li |
AS-IRB-BM-19041 台灣未確診遺傳性疾病之全基因體分析套組研究計畫 Full genome analysis for undiagnosed disease in Taiwan |
2019/09/18-2029/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-19044 利用因果中介模型探討台灣健保資料庫中B/C型肝炎、空氣汙染物與死亡之間的疾病歸因 Attribution of diseases from Hepatitis B or C infection and air pollution to death in Taiwan: a causal mediation study |
2019/11/20-2024/12/31 |
黃彥棕 Yen-Tsung Huang |
AS-IRB-BM-19048 以基因體學及轉錄體學策略,探討影響乳癌患者治療與進展之相關機制 Explore the mechanisms affecting the treatment and progression of breast cancer using genomics and transcriptome analysis |
2019/12/30-2025/12/31 |
沈志陽 Chen-Yang Shen |
AS-IRB-BM-19051 PD-1上N-連接醣基化對記憶CD8 T細胞再程式化的研究 Reprogramming memory CD8 T cells by targeting N-linked glycosylated PD-1 |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
李家偉 Chia-Wei Li |
AS-IRB-BM-19052 健保制度改變對於健康、醫療支出、決策行為、以及就業的影響 The Impacts of NHI System Change on Health, Healthcare Expenditure, Decision Behavior, and Employment Over the Life Cycle |
2020/01/09-2025/12/31 |
林軒馳 Hsuan-Chih Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-19055 結合基因編輯技術及誘導式全能性幹細胞所建立之神經細胞及腦類器官體模擬阿茲海默症疾病之病理 Modeling Alzheimer’s disease using combined genome editing technology and human induced pluripotent stem cells derived neurons and three dimensional brain organoids |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-19002 以類腦器官探索新型外顯子/選擇性剪接衍生變異型在靈長類動物的腦部發育與演化進程所扮演之角色 Organoid-Based Approach to Explore the Functional Role of the Species-Enriched novel exon / Alternative Splicing Variants in Primate Brain Development and Evolution |
2019/04/08-2022/12/31 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
AS-IRB-BM-19003 半乳糖凝集素-1在腹主動脈瘤致病過程中之角色 Role of galectin-1 in the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm |
2019/01/02-2019/12/31 |
趙麗洋 Lee-Young Chau |
AS-IRB-BM-19004 擴展機器學習及孟德爾隨機化方法於生物資料庫的剖析及應用 Implementation of machine learning and Mendelian randomization methods to study large biobank and sequence data |
2019/08/01-2023/07/31 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fann |
AS-IRB-BM-19005 大腸直腸癌早期診斷、預測及預後評估之生物標誌的探討 Biomarkers for the early diagnosis, prediction, prognosis for colorectal cancer |
2019/07/30-2021/12/31 |
楊欣洲 Hsin-Chou Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-19006 慢性B型肝炎感染與慢性腎臟病的風險,從病毒因子、環境因子到伺主因子 Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease – from viral factors, environmental factors to host factors |
2019/03/15-2023/02/28 |
*2022/02/17 (展延) |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-19010 以代謝體及基因學探討纖維肌痛症的病生理機制 Probing Pathophysiology of Fibromyalgia with Metabolomics and Genetics Analyses |
2019/07/30-2022/06/30 |
陳志成 Chih-Cheng Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-19013 個人化奈米抗癌疫苗之製備與優化 Development and optimization of personalized anticancer nanoparticle vaccine |
2019/08/01-2022/07/31 |
陶秘華 Mi-Hua Tao |
AS-IRB-BM-19015 頭頸部癌症之研究:基因與環境作用之評估 Head and Neck Cancer: Genetic and Environmental Studies 子計畫一:研究頭頸癌的異常糖基化 Investigate the aberrant glycol-code of head and neck cancer 子計畫二:針對亞洲頭頸癌免疫療法發展腫瘤突變負荷液態活檢伴隨式診斷 Development of a TMB-based liquid biopsy companion diagnosis for predicting the response of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in Asian HNSC 子計畫三:發展頭頸癌標靶與免疫治療之分子標記 Development of the biomarkers for target and immune therapies of advanced head and neck cancers |
2019/05/28-2021/12/31 |
陳玉如 Yu-Ju Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-19016 腦中風之生物標誌研發 Stroke Biosignature project |
2019/07/30-2020/08/04 |
林天南 Teng-Nan Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-19017 尋找並建立漢人糖尿病併發症之生物標誌 Search and build the biosignatures for type 2 diabetes complications in Han Chinese population |
2019/05/28-2020/04/06 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-19018 台灣人類族群的遺傳起源及演化適應 Genetic origins and adaptation of Taiwanese people |
2019/05/28-2020/06/03 |
沈志陽 Chen-Yang Shen |
AS-IRB-BM-19021 從結直腸癌細胞系中選擇惡性亞群 Selection of a Malignant Subpopulation from a Colorectal Cancer Cell Line |
2019/04/29-2021/04/23 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-19022 探討Deltex1在全身性紅斑性狼瘡病人的角色 Investigation the role Deltex1 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus |
2019/05/14-2019/12/06 |
賴明宗 Ming-Zong Lai |
AS-IRB-BM-19026 探討免疫治療與新陳代謝疾病、退化性神經性疾病、急性心肌梗塞之相關性 Elucidate the association between immunotherapy and metabolic disease, neurodegenerative disease and acute myocardial infarction |
2019/05/16-2023/12/31 2023/05/18 提早結案 |
詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
AS-IRB-BM-19028 台灣的家庭變遷 Family Changes in Taiwan |
2019/06/01-2022/07/01 |
鄭雁馨 Yen-Hsin Alice Cheng |
AS-IRB-BM-19029 營造業戶外作業因應氣候變遷之觀測及分析 |
2019/06/18-2022/05/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-19031 靜息心電圖、壓力與性荷爾蒙、及腦電波與磁振造影認知實驗 Resting ECG, Cortisol/Sex Hormones, and fMRI/EEG based cognitive experiments |
2019/08/01-2023/07/31 |
劉長萱 Michelle Liou |
AS-IRB-BM-19033 結合空間資訊與健康大數據進行區域健康風險評估 Conducting regional health risk assessment by integrating spatial informatics and big health data |
2019/08/01-2022/07/31 |
詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
AS-IRB-BM-19037 創傷後症候群的基因與環境之危險因子 Genetic and environmental risk factors for Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) |
2020/01/01-2022/12/31 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fann |
AS-IRB-BM-19038 利用紅外光吸收光譜、質譜鑑定碳水化合物結構 Carbohydrate Structural Determination by IR absorption, Mass Spectrometry |
2019/12/30-2021/12/31 |
倪其焜 Chi-Kung Ni |
AS-IRB-BM-19039 總計畫:利用腫瘤透明化進行3-D單細胞解析Meta1引導GPCR訊息傳導網絡在癌症異質性上扮演之角色 3-D Imaging Omic Determinants of Meta1-mediated GPCR Signaling Network of Microenvironmental Landscape in Cancer Heterogeneity 子計畫二:乳癌(腎細胞癌)轉移的預測基因標記及治療 Gene signatures and treatments for Predicting metastasis in Breast (Renal Cell) Cance |
2019/10/28-2022/12/31 |
2022/08/29 結案 |
謝叔蓉 Shwu-Rong Shieh |
AS-IRB-BM-19040 運用精準醫學導向探討糖尿病足病變之基因與臨床因子 Genetic investigation of peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease in diabetes |
2019/10/07-2019/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-19043 |
2019/12/30-2022/12/31 |
陳玉如 Yu-Ju Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-19045 細菌細胞壁生合成蛋白質複合體鑑定分析與活體追蹤 Characterization and live-cell imaging of the cell wall synthesis complexes and peptidoglycan |
2019/10/23-2020/12/31 |
史有伶 Yu-Ling Shih |
AS-IRB-BM-19046 健康資料技術研發:從授權到應用 Study on health data: from authorization to application |
2019/12/30-2022/12/31 |
2022/01/13 結案 |
王大為 Da-Wei Wang |
AS-IRB-BM-19047 解碼PD-L1的異常聚醣成分以提高TNBC治療中免疫療法之成效 Decoding the aberrant glycan composition of PD-L1 to improve the efficacy of immunotherapy in TNBC treatment |
2020/01/01-2022/12/31 |
李家偉 Chia-Wei Li |
AS-IRB-BM-19049 研發新型合併免疫治療及嵌合抗原受體 T 細胞 Discovering new strategies aiming in immune and CAR-T cell based therapy |
2020/02/15-2022/12/31 |
吳漢忠 Han-Chung Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-19050 華語視聽整合研究: 人工電子耳和聽力正常成人噪音下的言語知覺 Mandarin Audio-Visual Integration: Speech Perception in Noise of Adults with Cochlear Implants and Normal Hearing |
2019/12/30-2020/08/31 |
曹昱 Yu Tsao |
AS-IRB-BM-19053 以知識發現探索衛生福利資料科學中心資料庫 Using knowledge discovery to explore Health and Welfare Data Science Center Database |
2020/01/20-2023/12/31 |
王大為 Da-Wei Wang |
AS-IRB-BM-19056 自人類糞便樣本分離純化可進行性固醇轉化的厭氧菌 Isolation and characterization of sex steroids-transforming anaerobes from human feces |
2020/01/08-2020/12/31 |
江殷儒 Yin-Ru Chiang |
AS-IRB-BM-19057 「心血管疾病」飲食介入研究 Dietary intervention for cardiovascular disease |
2020/05/20-2030/12/31 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
AS-IRB-BM-19058 設計新型嵌合抗原受體细胞免疫療法 Design novel chimeric antigen receptor cell immunotherapy |
2020/01/20-2024/12/31 |
2024/01/25 結案 |
牟昀 Yun Mou |
AS-IRB-BM-19059 用組資料預測癌症病人的藥物反應 Prediction of drug response of cancer patients using omics data |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
謝叔蓉 Shwu-Rong Shieh |
AS-IRB-BM-19060 硫酸軟骨素生合成酵素CHST11調控肺癌上皮間質細胞轉型之分子病理機轉研究 Investigating the Molecular Pathogenetic Mechanisms of CHST11 in Modulating Lung Cancer EMT |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
AS-IRB-BM-19062 研究PSPC1主導細胞激素表現和癌基質細胞致癌重編能力在腫瘤微環境中促進癌化的分子機轉 PSPC1 orchestrates cytokines expression and molecular reprogramming of cancer and stroma cell fates in tumor microenvironment |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
周玉山 Yuh-Shan Jou |
AS-IRB-BM-19063 開發以多基因風險分數以預測罹患複雜性疾病之因果方法 Development of a New Disease Prediction Method Based on Polygenic Risk Score for Causality Mode |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fann |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-19027 慢性淋巴性白血病B細胞糖化修飾的基因表達標記鑑定及其與臨床病徵的關聯性研究 Glycosylation-related gene expression signature of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and its association with clinical phenotype |
2019/06/12-2024/12/31 |
*2022/12/09 |
安形高志 Takashi Angata |
AS-IRB-BM-19028 台灣的家庭變遷 Family Changes in Taiwan |
2019/06/01-2022/07/01 |
*2020/04/20 |
鄭雁馨 Yen-Hsin Alice Cheng |
AS-IRB-BM-19059 用組資料預測癌症病人的藥物反應 Prediction of drug response of cancer patients using omics data |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
*2022/07/12 |
謝叔蓉 Shwu-Rong Shieh |
AS-IRB-BM-19063 開發以多基因風險分數以預測罹患複雜性疾病之因果方法 Development of a New Disease Prediction Method Based on Polygenic Risk Score for Causality Mode |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
*2022/07/25 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fann |
計畫名稱 |
執行 期限 |
撤案日期 |
申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |