計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-13002 運用地理遮罩技術於空間流行病學之研究 Applying Geographic Masking Approaches for Spatial Epidemiology Study |
2013/01/01至2013/10/31 |
2013/04/23 | 詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
02-27898196![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13006 利用合成致死方法發展肺癌治療藥劑 Developing therapeutics via synthetic lethality in lung cancer |
2014/01/01- 2016/12/31 |
謝叔蓉 Grace S. Shieh |
02-27835611 #305 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13008 慢性C 型肝炎接受抗病毒藥物治療患者罹患肝細胞癌之長期追蹤研究 Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Antiviral Treatment and the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Long-term Follow-up Study |
2013/01/01- 2017/12/31 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13018 亞洲遺傳學研究暨台灣華人全基因體定序參考資料庫 The Pan-Asian Population Genomics Initiative and the Taiwan Han Chinese Sequence Database |
2013/06/01- 2023/05/31 |
2013/06/25 | 鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-13025 確認全基因體於雌性激素受體調控起動區序列上的變異對乳癌進展的影響 Verification and replication of significant genetic variant within genome-wideestrogen-response-element sequences in association with breast cancer progression |
2013/08/01- 2015/07/31 |
2013/05/23 | 沈志陽 Chen-Yang Shen |
02-27893695![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13029 位剪接RNA 在萬能分化性及細胞分化之功能探討 Functional roles of trans-spliced RNA in pluripotency maintenance and lineage differentiation |
2013/06/01- 2017/12/31 |
2013/07/30 | 郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
02-27899580![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13030 了解MDL-1蛋白在登革熱病毒感染的功能 To Understand the Role of MDL-1 in dengue virus infection |
2013/05/01- 2016/04/30 |
2013/05/14 | 蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
AS-IRB-BM-13038 利用特定轉錄因子轉分化纖維母細胞為功能性胰島細胞之研究 Direct conversion of fibroblast to functional beta cells by define transcriptional factors |
2013/08/01- 2017/07/31 |
2013/06/21 | 沈家寧 Chia-Ning Shen |
02-27899580 #301 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13039 乳癌基因蛋白體變異研究及與藥物療效之關連 Genomic and proteomic analysis of breast cancer molecular subtypes and biomarkers of drug response. |
2013/07/01- 2023/06/30 |
李克昭 Ker-Chau Li |
02-27835611 #468 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13040 |
2013/06/01- |
袁新盛 Shin-sheng Yuan |
02-27833710![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13042 建立 C 型肝炎病毒小鼠模式以應用於免疫病理學研究 Generation of hepatitis C virus mouse models for immunopathological studies |
2011/01/01- 2013/12/31 |
2013/08/13 | 陶秘華 Mi-Hua Tao |
02-26523078![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13046 c-Kit 參與調控先天性淋巴球活化與呼吸道病毒引發的急性氣喘之機轉研究 The role of c-Kit in innate lymphoid cells activation and respiratory viral infection-induced acute asthma. |
2013/07/01- 2016/12/31 |
2013/07/08 | 張雅貞 Ya-Jen Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-13047 腺苷酸激酶於人類肺癌轉移機制探討與轉譯醫學之研究 Adenylate Kinase Mechanistic Study in Human Lung Cancer Metastasis and its Translation Medicine Research |
2013/08/01- 2016/07/31 |
2013/07/08 | 蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
AS-IRB-BM-13048 攝取不同種類油脂對健康個體健康相關生物指標之影響 The Effects of various cooking oil on health related biomarkers in healthy subjects |
2013/09/20- 2016/09/19 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13057 慢性病之時空分析與健康不平等 Spatio-temporal analysis of chronic diseases and health disparity |
2013/08/01-2015/07/31 |
2013/12/02 | 詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
02-27898196![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13059 佐沛眠引發之類夢遊行為的藥物基因體學研究計畫 Pharmacogenomic Study of Zolpidem-Induced Complex Sleep-related Behaviors |
2013/10/01-2018/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-13060 建立臺灣病毒傳染病流行的氣候條件門檻預警值(II) Establishing the meteorological threshold for virological infectious diseases epidemics in Taiwan (II) |
2013/08/01-2014/07/31 |
2013/09/10 | 黃景祥 Jing-Shiang Hwang |
AS-IRB-BM-13061 台灣肝癌高危險群生物標誌研發 Taiwan Research Biosignature Network on Patients at High Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TARGET-HCC) |
2012/07/01-2023/12/31 |
陳玉如 Yu-Ju Chen |
02-27898660![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13062 研發腫瘤血管標記胜肽應用於癌症之標靶藥物傳輸 Development of Tumor Vessel-Specific Peptide for Cancer Targeted Drug Delivery |
2013/09/01-2014/08/31 |
2013/09/14 | 吳漢忠 Han-Chung Wu |
02-27899528![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13068 NTCP遺傳標記與B型肝炎病毒感染之相關研究 NTCP and HBV infection: a genetic association study |
2013/12/01-2021/06/30 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13069 微小核糖核酸等游離核酸在腸胃道癌症病患尿液的表現 The expression of urine miRNAs in gastric cancer patients |
2014/01/01-2017/07/31 |
林文昌 Wen-chang Lin |
02-27523967![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13070 分析多發性硬化症及視神經脊髓炎病人的細胞激素、趨化素及 T 細胞亞群 Identification of the signature of cytokines, chemokines and T-helper-cell subsets in multiple sclerosis (MS) vs. neuromyelitis optica (NMO) |
2014/09/01-2015/12/31 |
廖楓 Fang Liao |
AS-IRB-BM-13071 痛風,高尿酸血症及相關疾病的基因研究 Genetic Study of Hyperuricemia, Gout, and Related Disease |
2014/03/07-2020/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-13073 整體性尋找與分析靈長類胚胎幹細胞在後轉錄過程中所產生的非線性RNA Global identification and analysis of post-transcriptionally non-co-linear transcripts in primate embryonic stem cells |
2013/12/15- 2017/12/31 |
2013/12/30 | 莊樹諄 Trees-Juen Chuang |
02- 27871244![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13076 介白素-1第二型受器在腫瘤微環境及藥物抗性之角色 Roles of interleukin-1 receptor type 2 in tumor microenvironment and drug resistance |
2014/08/01-2018/07/31 |
李德章 Te-Chang Lee |
02-26523055![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13077 模擬生發中心反應用以快速進行鼠源和人源單株抗體之親和力成熟與重鏈類別轉換 Mimicking the germinal center reaction for rapid heavy chain class switching and affinity maturation of mouse and human monoclonal antibodies |
2014/08/01-2018/07/31 |
羅傅倫 Steve Roffler |
02-26523079![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13079 鄰苯二甲酸酯類尿液濃度與婦女之代謝徵候群與心臟血管疾病:社區巢疊病例對照研究 Urinary Levels of Phthalates and Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases in Women: a Community-based Nested Case-control Study |
2014/08/01-2016/07/31 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13081 重大傷病之經濟成本效益分析 Economic Analysis on Cost Effectiveness of Catastrophic Illness Treatment |
2014/01/01- 2020/12/31 | 陳香如 Stacey H. Chen |
02-27858847![]() |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-13008 慢性C 型肝炎接受抗病毒藥物治療患者罹患肝細胞癌之長期追蹤研究 Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Antiviral Treatment and the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Long-term Follow-up Study |
2013/01/01- 2017/12/31 |
原陳建仁 Chien-Jen Chen變更為楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13039 乳癌基因蛋白體變異研究及與藥物療效之關連 Genomic and proteomic analysis of breast cancer molecular subtypes and biomarkers of drug response. |
2013/07/01- 2023/06/30 |
*2018/06/15 |
李克昭 Ker-Chau Li |
02-27835611 #468 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13040 |
2013/06/01- |
*2017/06/09 *2018/06/15 |
李克昭 Ker-Chau Li |
02-27835611 #468 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13067 |
2013/01/31-2018/12/31 |
*2017/01/12 *2017/08/08 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13068 NTCP遺傳標記與B型肝炎病毒感染之相關研究 NTCP and HBV infection: a genetic association study |
2013/12/01-2021/06/30 |
*2017/12/11 *2018/12/27 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13070 分析多發性硬化症及視神經脊髓炎病人的細胞激素、趨化素及 T 細胞亞群 Identification of the signature of cytokines, chemokines and T-helper-cell subsets in multiple sclerosis (MS) vs. neuromyelitis optica (NMO) |
2014/09/01-2015/12/31 |
*2016/12/27 *2019/01/07 |
廖楓 Fang Liao |
AS-IRB-BM-13071 痛風,高尿酸血症及相關疾病的基因研究 Genetic Study of Hyperuricemia, Gout, and Related Disease |
2014/03/07-2019/12/31 |
*2017/03/20 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-13079 鄰苯二甲酸酯類尿液濃度與婦女之代謝徵候群與心臟血管疾病:社區巢疊病例對照研究 Urinary Levels of Phthalates and Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases in Women: a Community-based Nested Case-control Study |
2014/08/01-2016/07/31 |
原陳建仁 Chien-Jen Chen變更為楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
計畫名稱 |
執行 期限 |
撤案日期 |
申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-13054 由肺腺癌病人周邊血液游離態核酸及循環癌細胞偵測腫瘤驅動基因突變並尋找蛋白質轉譯後修飾之生物標記 Detecting Tumor Driver Mutations from Circulating Tumor Cells and Free Nucleic Acids and Searching for Post-translational Modification Biomarkers in Peripheral Blood of Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients |
2013/08/15- 2015/12/31 |
*2015/01/14 |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-13055 利用基因體學方法研究胰臟癌及輸尿管癌的癌變基因 Whole transcriptomic sequencing and exomic sequencing of pancreas and ureter cancers for identifying novel tumor drivers |
2013/08/01- 2019/12/31 |
*2014/07/10 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-13056 運用攝護腺癌實驗模組發展新穎癌症標靶治療方式: 從機制探討至臨床運用 Bridging the clinical prostate cancer and orthotopic mouse xenograft models for developing effective targeted cancer therapeutics against tumor microenvironment |
2014/01/01-2017/12/31 |
*2015/01/19 |
蕭培文 | 02-27872079![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-13072 SCUBE1 與SCUBE3 在攝護腺癌癌化與產生骨轉移的過程所扮演的角色 |
2014/01/01-2018/12/31 |
*2016/02/15 |
楊瑞彬 Ruey-Bing Yang |
02-26523943![]() |