計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-20002 Desmoglein2 (DSG2)在乳癌生長、轉移及循環腫瘤細胞聚集之功能 Desmoglein2 (DSG2) functions in breast cancer growth, metastasis and circulating tumor cell clustering |
2020/03/13-2022/12/31 |
黃雯華 Wendy Hwang-Verslues |
AS-IRB-BM-20004 HBD.Fc基因工程蛋白對於血小板釋出之胞外體於傷口癒合的效用 Efficacy of HBD.Fc-treated platelet-derived exosomes in wound healing |
2020/08/31-2021/08/01 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-20006 對付新興2019-新型冠狀病毒的工作小組 Task Force for the Newly Emerging 2019-nCoV |
2020/02/07-2023/12/31 |
林宜玲 Yi-Ling Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-20007 全基因體探究與阿茲海默症相關的DNA重組、non-co-linear RNA、環狀RNA、A-to-I RNA編輯、與單一等位基因表現缺失事件 Global analysis of DNA rearrangement, non-co-linear RNA, circular RNA, A-to-I RNA editing, and loss of monoallelic expression in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) |
2020/02/24-2025/12/31 |
莊樹諄 Trees-Juen Chuang |
AS-IRB-BM-20008 環境衝擊對於人力發展之長期影響:以九二一地震為例 The Long-Run Consequences of Natural Disaster on Human Capital Development: How 921 Earthquake Affected Survivors’ Health and Their Migration Decisions |
2021/05/01-2024/04/30 |
簡錦漢 Kamhon Kan |
AS-IRB-BM-20013 開發腸道微生物相之監控指標及醫療應用以降低大腸直腸癌對國人健康的威脅 Harnessing key messages of gut microbiota to combat colorectal cancer: From patient surveillance to disease management |
2020/04/22-2030/12/31 |
孟子青 Tzu-Ching Meng |
AS-IRB-BM-20017 探討長鏈非編碼核糖核酸NEAT1作為對肌萎縮性脊隨側索硬化症中TDP43蛋白質病變的治療標的 Characterization of the lncRNA NEAT1 as a therapeutic target for TDP43 proteinopathy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
2021/01/01-2025/12/31 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
AS-IRB-BM-20018 全基因體探究與復發性膠質母細胞瘤相關之 DNA 重組、non-co-linear RNA、環狀RNA、A-to-I RNA 編輯、與單一等位基因表現缺失事件 Global analysis of DNA rearrangement, non-co-linear RNA, circular RNA, A-to-I RNA editing, and loss of monoallelic expression in Recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM) |
2020/04/28-2024/04/08 |
莊樹諄 Trees-Juen Chuang |
AS-IRB-BM-20021 體學為基礎之反應路徑研究 OMICS-based pathway studies |
2021/08/01-2024/10/31 |
楊欣洲 Hsin-Chou Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-20022 台灣本土腸道與臨床數據智識庫 Taiwan Intestinal and Clinical Data Knowledge Base |
2020/09/10-2026/12/31 |
孟子青 Tzu-Ching Meng |
AS-IRB-BM-20023 大腸直腸癌多數據彙整分析與視覺化呈現 Multi-data analysis and data visualization of colorectal cancer research |
2020/05/12-2026/12/31 |
孟子青 Tzu-Ching Meng |
AS-IRB-BM-20024 比較COVID-19無症狀感染者及有症狀感染者之先天免疫反應及抗體反應 Comparison of innate immune responses and antibody response in asymptomatic vs symptomatic COVID-19 recovered patients |
2020/05/20-2023/12/31 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-20029 胞外囊體在登革病毒感染致病機轉之角色 The role of extracellular vesicles in the pathogenesis of dengue virus infection |
2020/10/08-2024/12/31 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-20031 農事作業環境熱危害及空氣品質暴險初探研究 Pilot exposure assessment study for heat stress and air quality in agriculture workers |
2020/07/01-2026/06/30 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
AS-IRB-BM-20034 發展醣脂化合物做為免疫檢查點抑制劑的免疫輔佐劑來改善乳癌之治療 Development of glycolipids as immunoadjuvant of immune checkpoint inhibitor for improvement of breast cancer therapy |
2020/07/21-2030/12/31 |
吳岱娜 Tai-Na Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-20035 交通汙染物對於身心理疾病之影響 Traffic-related Pollution and Burden of Physiological and Mental Diseases |
2020/08/12-2025/06/30 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-20036 建構社區監測網 Building a Community Disease Surveillance Network |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
AS-IRB-BM-20040 |
2020/09/21-2023/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-20041 |
2020/09/21-2024/12/31 |
曹昱 Yu Tsao |
AS-IRB-BM-20042 |
2021/01/01-2026/12/31 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-20045 以 protein array 尋找抗SARS-CoV-2病毒的藥物 Identification of anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs by protein array |
2021/01/01-2025/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-20048 腦血管疾病致病機轉及預後之觀察追蹤研究 The Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Cerebrovascular Diseases: An Observational Cohort Study |
2020/11/02-2030/12/31 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-20052 發展以聽覺生理與深度學習為基礎在正常聽力下與人工電子耳模擬下語音增強效果之研究 Study on the effect of speech enhancement to auditory perception under normal hearing and cochlea implant simulations |
2020/09/30-2023/08/31 |
曹昱 Yu Tsao |
AS-IRB-BM-20056 小分子藥物直接編程人類纖維母細胞成為視網膜前驅細胞以治療感光細胞退化性疾病 Direct Reprogramming of Human Fibroblasts into Retinal Progenitor Cells by Small Molecules to Treat Photoreceptor Degeneration |
2021/01/01-2026/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-20062 探討光照治療產物cis-UrocanicAcid抑制乾癬生成的分 子細胞機轉 Molecular/CellularMechanismsofcis-UrocanicAcid from Phototherapy in Suppression of Psoriasis Development |
2020/12/01-2030/12/31 |
李永凌 Yung-Ling Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-20063 探討問題特徵對於問卷填答行為之效果 Investigatingtheeffectofcharacteristicsof questionsonthebehaviorofanswering questionnaires |
2020/11/19-2023/12/31 |
張卿卿 Chingching Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-20066 從神經認知角度研究排灣語、布農語和鄒語的時貌系統 A study of tense, aspect and mood (TAM) in Paiwan, Bunun and Tsou from a neurocognitive perspective |
2021/01/01-2024/12/31 |
齊莉莎 Elizabeth Zeitoun |
AS-IRB-BM-20067 國民營養健康調查(110-113年) Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan(2021-2024) |
2021/02/02-2024/12/31 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
AS-IRB-BM-20068 增進精準基因植入的效率用以改善人類自然殺手細胞的治療用途 Enablingprecisegeneknock-infortherapeuticengineeringof humannaturalkillercells |
2020/11/19-2024/12/31 |
凌嘉鴻 Steven Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-20069 深度探討胞外網狀結構在類固醇抗性氣喘中活化肺部先天性淋巴細胞之機轉 In-depth mechanistic study of extracellular trapinduced pulmonary innate lymphocyte activation in steroid-resistant asthma |
2021/01/01-2025/12/31 |
張雅貞 Ya-Jen Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-20070 慢性腎臟病之危險因子分群與預後之探討 Theclassificationofriskfactorsandprognosis ofchronickidneydisease |
2021/01/01-2023/12/31 |
張源俊 Yuan-chinIvan Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-20072 利用台灣生物資料庫探討成人肺功能變化之全基因體關聯研究 A Genome-Wide Association study of pulmonary function measures in Taiwan Biobank dataset |
2021/01/01-2026/12/31 |
李永凌 |
AS-IRB-BM-20075 研究漸凍人症中神經細胞及微膠細胞之間的分子聯繫及毒性傳播 Non-synaptic communications and toxicity in ALS-Spreading of toxic proteins and RNAs |
2021/02/02-2024/12/31 |
陳儀莊 Yijuang Chern |
AS-IRB-BM-20077 誘發再生性巨噬細胞及炎症消散巨噬細胞的生成以修護 Induction of regenerative and resolution macrophages for tissue repair |
2021/02/03-2024/12/31 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-20078 從基因位點整合性探索台灣年輕型女性乳癌形成的遺傳機制 Investigating the genetic basis of early-onset breast cancer through integrated approaches |
2021/08/01-2024/07/31 |
沈志陽 Chen-Yang Shen |
AS-IRB-BM-20079 剖析本於醣分子之免疫檢查點在神經退化疾病中所參與的調控機制及功能 Deciphering the molecular basis and functional roles of glycan-based immune checkpoints in neurodegenerative diseases |
2021/01/07-2025/12/31 |
安形高志 Takashi ANGATA |
AS-IRB-BM-20080 |
2021/03/01-2026/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-20081 Galectin-9在小膠質細胞M1 / M2極化和神經發炎的病理及生理作用研究 A mechanistic study on the pathophysiological role of Galectin-9 in microglial M1/M2 polarization and neuroinflammation |
2021/08/01-2024/07/31 |
陳儀莊 Yijuang Chern |
AS-IRB-BM-20082 |
2021/08/01-2024/07/31 |
江彥生 Yen Sheng Chiang |
AS-IRB-BM-20083 |
2021/08/01-2031/07/31 |
陳繪名 Hui-Ming Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-20085 探討極端天候事件對健康之衝擊及因應 Investigating the health impacts and the corresponding adaptation strategies for extreme weather events |
2021/02/01-2025/12/31 |
龍世俊 Shih-Chun Candice Lung |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-20003 利用深度學習技術開發智慧醫學研究平台 Development of computational medicine platform with deep-learning approaches |
2020/04/16-2022/12/31 |
林文昌 Wen-Chang Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-20005 應用液態切片與傳統檢驗於腫瘤表徵之綜合分析 Cancer characterization by combined analysis of liquid biopsies and tissue-based tests |
2020/04/20-2029/12/31 |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-20009 核心節律基因及其下游基因於卵巢癌之影響 Effects of circadian rhythm and core clock genes on ovarian cancer |
2020/02/25-2025/12/31 |
黃雯華 Wendy Hwang-Verslues |
AS-IRB-BM-20011 探討人類白血球抗原類型與不同家塵蟎過敏原分子之關聯 The association between the HLA type and allergen molecules from the house dust mite |
2020/08/01-2022/08/01 |
劉扶東 Fu-Tong Liu |
AS-IRB-BM-20012 建立高度轉移性胰臟腺癌的患者來源腫瘤異種移植(PDX)動物模型 Development of highly metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma patient-derived xenograft (PDX) mode |
2020/04/16-2030/12/31 |
謝清河 Patrick Ching-Ho Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-20014 追蹤『以自體類分泌干擾素樹突殺手細胞治療轉移性惡性腫瘤之過繼免疫療法-第1期臨床實驗』之受試者存活及 腫瘤治療狀況 Follow up the survival and tumor treatment status of subjects participated 『An immunotherapy for metastatic cancer patients by adoptive transfer of autologous IKDC-like cells-phase 1 clinical trail』 |
2020/04/20-2023/10/24 |
廖南詩 Nan-Shin Liao |
AS-IRB-BM-20016 在自然閱讀情境下同步紀錄眼動與腦電波來改善輕度知能障礙與阿茲海默症的偵測 To improve the detection of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease by simultaneous recording of eye-movement and electrical brain potentials in natural reading |
2020/03/27-2022/12/31 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-20019 應用台灣人體生物資料庫進行全表型組關聯分析以探討人類基因變異與台灣常見慢性疾病風險 A Phenome-Wide Association Study to Investigate Genetic Variants on and the Risk of Common Chronic diseases |
2020/06/18-2023/12/31 |
沈志陽 Chen-Yang Shen |
AS-IRB-BM-20020 子宮頸癌臨床表徵與基因標記之分群及其預後模型 Clinical Feature and Gene Signature Clustering of Cervical Cancer Develop Predicted Model |
2020/07/20-2021/12/31 |
張源俊 |
AS-IRB-BM-20025 研究COVID-19感染者血中之細胞外囊泡之免疫調控功能 Investigation of the immunomodulatory functions of extracellular vesicles isolated from COVID-19 patients |
2020/05/20-2023/04/30 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
AS-IRB-BM-20026 基於深度統計學習的肺部疾病檢測和分類 Pulmonary Disease Detection and Classification with Deep Statistical Learning |
2020/05/31-2022/06/01 |
2022/05/03 結案 |
陳君厚 Chun-Houh Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-20027 調控人類胎盤滋養層細胞幹性及分化的機制 Regulatory mechanism of human placental trophoblast stemness and differentiation |
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 |
2022/09/05 結案 |
陳宏文 Hung-Wen Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-20028 臺灣2050前瞻轉型研究計畫-子計畫:老化社會治理策略 Foresight 2050: Developing a decision support system for a Sustainability Transition of Taiwan - Governance Strategies to an Aging Society |
2020/05/28-2022/02/28 |
2022/02/10 結案 |
林宗弘 Thung-Hong Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-20030 以研發具潛力之免疫原性植物藥為治療先導藥物作用於提升腫瘤對癌症免疫治療的敏感性之臨床應用 Exploration of Potential Immunogenic Phytomedicines for Sensitization of Tumors to Cancer Immunotherapies toward Clinical Application |
2020/07/01-2025/06/30 |
陳繪名 Hui-Ming Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-20032 整合功能性磁振影像的腦電波訊息源定位分析 fMRI-informed EEG source localization |
2020/08/01-2021/07/31 |
2022/08/02 結案 |
劉長萱 Michelle Liou |
AS-IRB-BM-20033 躁鬱症、思覺失調症與重鬱症的共通遺傳基因研究 A study of common genes for bipolar, schizophrenic, and major depressive disorders |
2021/01/01-2023/12/31 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fann |
AS-IRB-BM-20037 建立微型核糖核酸作為脊髓性肌肉萎縮症的生物標記和基因治療 Establishment of authentic microRNA biomarker for SMA disease progression and the potential gene therapy application |
2020/08/01-2023/08/01 |
陳俊安 Jun-An Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-20038 產生誘導式少突膠質譜系細胞之方法及使用該等細胞治療的方法 Method to generate induced oligodendrocyte-lineage cells and treatment using such cells |
2020/09/01-2023/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-20039 |
2020/09/21-2022/07/31 |
劉長萱 Michelle Liou |
AS-IRB-BM-20043 利用人類誘導式全能性幹細胞所分化之運動神經細胞探索環形核糖核酸於肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症的功能 Exploring functional role of the circular RNA in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using iPSC derived motor neurons |
2021/01/01-2023/12/31 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
AS-IRB-BM-20044 發展人工智慧輔助超音波模式以協助辨識環甲膜: 一前瞻式觀察性研究 Developing an artificial intelligence-assisted ultrasound algorithm for identifying the cricothyroid membrane: A prospective observational study |
2020/09/01-2023/08/31 |
陳祝嵩 Chu-Song Chen |
AS-IRB-BM-20047 粒線體功能於神經炎症進程的變動 Dissect the changes of mitochondrial function in the process of neuroinflammation |
2020/12/08-2023/10/31 |
林倩伶 Chien-Ling Lin |
AS-IRB-BM-20049 運用台灣人體生物資料庫之全基因體甲基化、定型及定序資料分析探討作息不規律對癌化的影響 Utilize DNA methylation, whole-genome genotyping and whole-genome sequencing data from Taiwan Biobank to explore the impact of irregular workrest schedule on tumorigenesis. |
2020/09/01-2023/12/31 |
2022/07/26 結案 |
黃雯華 WendyHwang-Verslues |
AS-IRB-BM-20050 開發新穎的基因標記應用在氣喘的精確化醫療 Translating gene signatures in asthma endophenotypes to achieve precision medicine for asthma |
2021/01/01-2030/12/31 |
2024/01/23 結案 |
李永凌 Yung-Ling Lee |
AS-IRB-BM-20051 以高解析度資料探討氣候變遷與都市發展對健康之衝擊及因應對策:子計畫四「應用機器學習方法預測氣候變遷與空氣汙染的經濟社會成本 --聚焦台灣婦幼健康與都市交通安全」 Assessing the Health Impacts and Corresponding Adaptation Strategies Under Climate Change and Urban Development with High Resolution Data: Using Machine Learning to Predict the Social-Economics Costs of Extreme Weather and Air Pollution in Taiwan-Focusing on Maternity Health and Traffic Safety Problems in Urban Areas |
2020/09/23-2023/07/31 |
張靜貞 Ching-Cheng Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-20055 系列檢測大腸直腸癌病患血液中細胞分子特性類別及細胞活性,探討其與發生及預防癌症遠端轉移之相關研究 Detecting the serial change of circulation tumor cell molecular characteristics and survival ability of patients with colorectal cancer in relation to tumor metastasis |
2020/11/02-2023/09/30 |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
AS-IRB-BM-20057 用自製離子移動儀尋找疾病標的物 DiseaseMarkerSearchwithHome-madeIonMobility Spectrometer |
2020/12/01-2022/04/30 |
林俊利 Jung-LeeLin |
AS-IRB-BM-20058 乳癌循環腫瘤細胞相關白血球之臨床意義分析 ClinicalImplicationofCirculatingTumorCells associatedWhiteBloodCellinbreastcancer patients |
2020/12/01-2022/12/31 |
張瑛芝 Ying-ChihChang |
AS-IRB-BM-20059 腸道菌菌相數據分析 Dataanalysisofhumanmicrobiota |
2020/12/01-2021/11/30 |
陳璿宇 Hsuan-YuChen |
AS-IRB-BM-20060 以高通量篩選尋找抗巴金森症的藥物 A high throughput screen to pinpoint therapeutic drugs for Parkinson's disease |
2021/01/01-2025/12/31 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
AS-IRB-BM-20061 華語語音失匹配負波與聽損者語音區辨能力之相關性 Effects of Hearing loss on Mismatch negativity to Mandarin Phonetic Contrasts and Establishment of Single-subject Analysis |
2020/12/01-2022/06/30 |
李佳穎 Chia-YingLee |
AS-IRB-BM-20064 職場健康飲食環境與動態生活文化促進計畫 Promoting healthy food environment and activing living culture in Taiwan worksites |
2021/02/02-2023/12/31 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
AS-IRB-BM-20071 Analysis of de-identified data from THE SIGNS Study for assessing transitions among older adults |
2021/01/01-2024/12/31 |
2023/12/28結案 |
邱紀尊 |
AS-IRB-BM-20073 以強化促進粒腺體自噬反應修補粒腺體缺陷而阻斷阿滋海默症中Tau蛋白引發的神經突觸功能異常 To Determine Whether Pharmacological Augmentation of Mitophagy Can Reverse Mitochondrial Deficits to Block Tau-elicited Synaptic Dysfunctions in AD |
2021/01/01-2021/12/31 |
廖永豐 Yung-Feng Liao |
AS-IRB-BM-20074 探討發炎體與癌症幹細胞特性之相互作用與子宮內膜異位症癌化為卵巢上皮癌之關聯 (此計畫為總計畫"探討免疫發炎分子生物機制調控在卵巢癌進程之重要性"中之子計畫二) Determine whether the interplay between inflammasome and cancer stem cell characteristics contributes to endometriosis associated epithelial ovarian cancer initiation and progression |
2021/01/01-2023/12/31 |
黃雯華 WendyHwang-Verslues |
AS-IRB-BM-20076 血中B型肝炎病毒變異型態預測慢性B型肝炎患者肝癌風險之自然史研究 Mutation patterns of hepatitis B virus and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: a natural history cohort study |
2021/04/12-2021/12/31 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
AS-IRB-BM-20084 |
2021/08/01-2024/07/31 |
陳繪名 Hui-Ming Chen |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-20015 醛縮酶A透過與ATPIF1蛋白質交互作用改變癌症幹細胞能量代謝機制 Aldolase A regulate metabolic reprogramming through a protein-protein interaction of ATPase inhibitory factor 1 in cancer stem cells |
2021/01/01-2023/12/31 |
2022/02/11 撤案 |
蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
AS-IRB-BM-20065 CLEC5A/TLR2複合體在胞外囊體調控免疫反應之角色 To investigate the role of CLEC5A/TLR2 complex in extracellular vesicles (EVs)-induced inflammation |
2021/02/03-2023/01/01 |
2021/02/03 撤案 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |