計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-14002 利用功能性生物介面來控制細胞命運 Manipulating Cell Fate by Functionalized Biointerfaces |
2013/01/02- |
2014/03/24 | 陳培菱 Pei-Lin Chen |
02-27898000 #33![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14004 評估偵測血液循環腫瘤細胞鑑別大腸腫瘤(包含大腸直腸癌及大腸息肉) Assessment of the circulating tumor cells (CellMax) test to distinguish between subjects with and without colon neoplasia (colorectal cancer or polyps) |
2014/01/01- |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
02-27871277![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14005 偵測循環腫瘤細胞用於早期偵測大腸直腸癌復發 A Novel Patent Platform of Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells to Early Detect Colorectal Cancer Recurrence |
2014/01/01-2016/01/05 |
2014/03/24 *2014/11/13 |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
02-27871277![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14006 Syk 偶合之C 型凝集素在人類疾病的致病機轉 Syk-coupled C-type lectins in the Pathogenesis of Human Diseases |
2014/02/01- |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
02-27871245![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14007 以人肝嵌合小鼠進行 B 型肝炎病毒突變株的病毒學和病理學研究 Virologic and pathologic studies of HBV variants using human liver chimeric mice |
2014/08/01- |
陶秘華 Mi-Hua Tao |
02-26523078![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14009 |
2014/01/01-2024/12/31 |
2024/01/09 結案 |
鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
AS-IRB-BM-14011 探討川崎症之致病基因 Investigate the pathogenic gene of the Kawasaki disease syndrome |
2014/04/01- |
2014/06/13 | 鄔哲源 Jer-Yuarn Wu |
02-27899075![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14013 以時空統計方法分析到院前心肺停止患者的送醫距離與存活情況 Evaluation of transport distance and survival status in out of hospital cardiac arrest patients with spatio-temporal statistical methods |
2014/03/01- 2015/12/11 |
2014/04/15 | 詹大千 Ta-Chien Chan |
02-27898196![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14014 探討血球聚集結構與血液粘彈性之關係 Study the relationship between structure of erythrocyte aggregation and viscoelasticity. |
2014/04/01-2018/12/31 |
陳彥龍 Yeng-Long Chen |
02-27896474![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14015 使用人類胰島細胞檢體檢測PDI家族基因表達 Use of human islets to profile the expression of PDI family |
2014/04/01- 2015/03/31 |
2014/04/07 | 楊文欽 Wen-Chin Yang |
02-27872076![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14016 發展標的細胞膜上 IgA 與IgD 抗體 Development of antibodies targeting membrane-bound IgA and IgD |
2014/04/01- 2016/04/01 |
2014/04/07 | 張子文 Tse-Wen Chang |
02-27871252![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14017 臺灣慢性砷中毒地區多重健康危害之世代追蹤研究(第二期) A Cohort Study on Multiple Health Hazards in the Arseniasis-endemic Area in Taiwan |
2014/08/01-2016/03/16 |
2014/06/24 | 陳建仁 Chien-Jen Chen |
02-27898781![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14018 SLC29A2 肝癌過度表現為標靶研究其致癌機轉及發展治療藥物 Oncogenic mechanisms and targeting strategies of overexpressed-SLC29A2 in HCC |
2015/01/01-2017/02/16 |
2014/05/22 | 周玉山 Yuh-Shan Jou |
02-26523521![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14019 人類胚胎幹細胞核心設施與以shRNA 篩選法探討調控hESC/iPSC 細胞命運之可能基因 hESC core and regulation of hESC/iiPSC cell fate by candidate genes identified by a shRNA screen |
2014/10/01-2019/10/23 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
02-27899580 #601![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14020 探討環形核糖核酸於細胞全功能分化性全功能分化性再程式化及生殖細胞分化之功能及調控 Functional roles of the circular RNA in pluripotency maintenance, reprogramming, and germline differentiation |
2014/10/01-2017/09/29 |
2014/05/22 | 郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
02-27899580 #201 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14021 探討幹細胞特殊生物標誌、下游調控因子與組織再生之研究 Studies of stem cells: specific markers, downstream regulators, and tissue regeneration |
2014/10/01-2017/09/30 |
2014/07/02 | 吳漢忠 Han-Chung Wu |
02-27899528![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14022 以實證醫學方法,針對國人心臟血管代謝疾病防治之非藥物性療法提出有效模式 A non-pharmacological treatment model to control cardio metabolic disease – efficacy evaluation |
2014/01/01-2016/06/02 |
2014/08/04 | 潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14023 評估偵測血液循環腫瘤細胞鑑別前列腺腫瘤 Assessment of the circulating tumor cells test to distinguish between subjects with and without prostate cancer |
2014/07/01-2017/06/30 |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
02-27871277![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14024 以自體類分泌干擾素樹突殺手細胞治療轉移性惡性腫瘤之演算式過繼免疫療法 An algorithmic immunotherapy for metastatic cancer patients by adoptive transfer of autologous IKDC-like cells: phases I and IIa clinical trial |
2014/01/01-2019/11/26 |
廖南詩 Nan-Shin Liao |
02-27899231![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14025 腦內非穩態歷程及網路連結:功能性磁振造影研究 Nonstationary Processes and Regional Connectivity in the Brain: A fMRI Study |
2014/08/01-2016/09/30 |
2014/06/13 | 劉長萱 Michelle Liou |
02-66145626![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14026 優化偵測循環腫瘤細胞之實驗平台 CTC detection platform optimization |
2014/06/01-2015/12/31 2016/06/30-2022/12/31 |
張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
02-27871277![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14027 ECS 泛素連接酶功能之探討 Characterizing the function of ECS ubiquitin Ligase |
2014/08/01-2017/10/13 |
2014/06/23 | 顏雪琪 Hsueh-Chi Sherry Yen |
02-27899212![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14028 多功能幹細胞內主纖毛之生物物理特性分析 Biophysical characterization of primary cilia in pluripotent stem cells |
2014/08/01-2017/07/31 |
2014/07/31 | 廖仲麒 Jung-Chi Liao |
02-23668202![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14029 台灣乳癌生物標幟計畫:研究早發性乳癌病患血液中DNA 的突變 Taiwan Biosignature Project for Breast Cancer:Investigate the presence of circulating DNA with specific mutations identified by whole exome sequencing of early onset breast cancer |
2014/07/01-2019/02/22 |
邱國平 Kuo-Ping Chiu |
02-27871257![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14031 |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
2014/09/18 | 張瑛芝 Ying-Chih Chang |
02-27871277![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14032 肺腺癌粒線體基因突變、EGFR 突變以及病人預後相關之研究 Mitochondrial genomic variations, EGFR mutations, and prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma |
2014/08/01-2017/07/31 |
2014/07/15 | 陳璿宇 Hsuan-Yu Chen |
02-27835611 #415 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14033 以台灣肝癌網之肝癌個案進行B 型肝炎或C 型肝炎病毒感染之肝細胞癌相關之特定單核苷酸多型性之驗證式研究 Applying the Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cases in Taiwan Liver Cancer Network to Validate the Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C Virus Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma |
2014/08/01-2016/04/27 |
2014/08/15 | 陳建仁 Chien-Jen Chen |
02-27898781![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14034 探討幹細胞特殊生物標誌、下游調控因子與組織再生之研究 Studies of stem cells: specific markers, downstream regulators, and tissue regeneration |
2014/08/01-2017/07/31 |
陳儀莊 Yi-Juang Chern |
02-27899028![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14035 建立體學資料之整合分析方法與系統 Establishing the omics-based analysis methods and analysis system |
2014/08/01-2018/07/31 |
2014/07/15 | 楊欣洲 Hsin-Chou Yang |
02-66145613![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14036 探討葡萄糖-六-磷酸鹽去氫酵素活性與半乳糖凝集素-3 的相關性 Association between Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and galectin-3 levels in RBC |
2014/07/01-2021/12/31 |
劉扶東 Fu-Tong Liu |
02-26523001![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14037 C 型凝集素CLEC5A, CLEC18, Thrombomodulin 在黃質病毒感染之致病機轉 The Roles of C-type Lectins (CLEC5A, CLEC18, Thrombomodulin) in the Pathogenesis of Flaviviral Infections. |
2014/07/01-2017/07/31 |
2014/07/10 | 謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
02-27871245![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14040 多囊性卵巢症候群病患之荷爾蒙變化與其新陳代謝異常在診斷與治療的關聯性分析研究 Correlation study of hormone characteristics and metabolic aberrations in diagnosis and treatment of the polycystic ovarian syndrome |
2014/07/01-2016/05/31 |
陳珍信 Chen-Hsin Chen |
02-27835611 #408![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14041 |
2014/08/01-2016/07/31 2016/08/15-2018/07/05 |
蔡明道 Ming-Daw Tsai |
02-27855696 #1010![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14042 |
2014/01/01-2019/12/31 |
*2016/02/02 |
楊懷壹 Hwai-I Yang |
02-27871308![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14043 皮膚障壁相關基因缺陷在台灣地區異位性皮膚炎病患的流行病學研究 Epidemiological study of skin barrier related genes defect in Taiwanese atopic dermatitis patients |
2015/01/01-2018/11/27 |
嚴仲陽 Jeffrey Jong-Young Yen |
02-26523077![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14044 |
2014/10/14-2018/10/31 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14045 |
2014/01/01-2022/07/31 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14047 |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
02-26525031![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14048 |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
2014/10/28 | 神奈木玲兒 Kannagi, Reiji |
02-27523971![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14049 |
2014/10/30-2017/08/31 |
2014/10/28 | 安形高志 Takashi Angata |
02-27855696 #6140![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14051 |
2015/01/01-2021/12/31 |
2022/01/17 結案 |
袁新盛 Shin-sheng Yuan |
02-27833710![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14052 以小分子藥物來篩選有效率的產生誘導性多潛能性幹細胞分化之肝細胞及人源化肝臟老鼠模式 Development of protocols for generating human iPS cell-derived hepatocytes and humanized liver mouse models by a small chemical functional screen |
2015/01/01-2017/06/07 |
2015/11/12 | 呂仁 Jean Lu |
02-27899580 #601![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14053 |
2015/01/01-2018/12/31 |
鄭泰安 Andrew Cheng |
02-27899119![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14054 |
2015/01/01-2022/04/30 |
謝清河 Patrick Ching-Ho Hsieh |
02-26529074![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14056 |
2014/12/01-2018/08/10 |
謝清河 Patrick Ching-Ho Hsieh |
02-26529074![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14057 |
2015/01/01-2018/12/31 |
2015/01/20 | 張久瑗 Jeou-Yuan Chen |
02-27899046![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14058 以變異SLC29A2 及醣類基因促進腫瘤微環境為標靶發展肝癌診斷及治療方法 Targeting aberrant SLC29A2 and glycogenes in tumor microenvironment for diagnosis and therapy in human hepatocellular carcinoma |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
2015/02/13 | 周玉山 Yuh-Shan Jou |
02-26523521![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14060 |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
2014/11/21 | 郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
02-26529580 #201 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14062 |
2015/02/04-2016/05/12 |
2015/02/04 | 林俊宏 Chun-Hung Lin |
02-27890110![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14064 TRC8 基因在脂肪肝之低表現 TRC8 downregulation in fatty liver |
2014/12/20- 2015/06/30 |
2015/08/31 | 趙麗洋 Lee-Young Chau |
02-26523931![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14065 |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
沈志陽 Chen-Yang Shen |
02-27899036![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14068 |
2015/01/01-2018/12/31 |
2015/01/05 | 廖楓 Fang Liao |
02-26523905![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14070 |
2015/07/01-2016/07/26 |
范盛娟 Cathy SJ Fan |
02-27899144![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14072 |
2015/08/01-2016/07/25 |
2015/01/08 | 張久瑗 Jeou-Yuan Chen |
02-27899046![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14073 探討CHAC2 在人類胚胎幹細胞之功能及分子機制 Investigation the functional roles and mechanism of CHAC2 in human embryonic stem cells self renewal |
2015/08/01-2018/01/22 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
02-27899580 #601![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14074 分析癌症PSPC1過度表現促成癌上皮間質細胞轉型、幹細胞及癌轉移之分子機制 Dissecting molecular mechanisms of PSPC1 overexpression driven cancer EMT, stemness and tumor metastasis |
2015/08/01-2018/12/31 |
周玉山 Yuh-Shan Jou |
02-26523521![]() |
計畫名稱 | 執行期限 | 審核/修正通過日期 | 申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-14012 鑑定前側額顳葉病人腦組織中TDP-43 蛋白堆積物的形態 Identify the morphology of TDP-43 protein inclusions in the brain tissue of frontotemporal lobar dementia |
2014/04/15-2023/04/14 |
*2019/06/18 |
陳韻如 Yun-Ru Chen |
02-27871275![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14024 以自體類分泌干擾素樹突殺手細胞治療轉移性惡性腫瘤之演算式過繼免疫療法 An algorithmic immunotherapy for metastatic cancer patients by adoptive transfer of autologous IKDC-like cells: phases I and IIa clinical trial |
2014/01/01-2021/05/04 |
*2016/12/29 *2018/01/23 |
廖南詩 Nan-Shin Liao |
02-27899231![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14038 建立大型世代研究飲食資料庫以探討與慢性疾病之關係---第二階段:飲食軟體之信效度試驗 Establishment a large dietary database for investigating the relationship with chronic diseases---Stage 2: Reliability and validity for the dietary assessment software |
2014/07/01-2015/12/31 2016/03/01-2016/12/31 2017/02/03-2023/12/31 |
*2017/02/03 *2018/01/23 *2022/12/02 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14043 皮膚障壁相關基因缺陷在台灣地區異位性皮膚炎病患的流行病學研究 Epidemiological study of skin barrier related genes defect in Taiwanese atopic dermatitis patients |
2015/01/01-2018/12/31 |
*2017/11/27 |
嚴仲陽 Jeffrey Jong-Young Yen |
02-26523077![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14044 |
2014/10/14- |
*2016/12/09 |
潘文涵 Wen-Harn Pan |
02-27899121![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14046 |
2014/01/01-2024/12/31 |
*2018/08/28 *2021/01/04 *2022/10/28 |
吳齊殷 Chyi-In Wu |
02-27525085![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14047 |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
*2017/01/11 |
李佳穎 Chia-Ying Lee |
02-26525031![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14063 |
2015/01/01-2024/12/31 |
*2018/07/26 *2019/07/08 *2020/07/06 *2022/07/06 |
安形高志 Takashi Angata |
02-27895696 #6140![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14073 探討CHAC2 在人類胚胎幹細胞之功能及分子機制 Investigation the functional roles and mechanism of CHAC2 in human embryonic stem cells self renewal |
2015/08/01-2018/01/22 |
*2017/08/03 |
呂仁 Jean Lu |
02-27899580 #601![]() |
計畫名稱 |
執行 期限 |
撤案日期 |
申請人 | 聯絡電話及郵件 |
AS-IRB-BM-14001 HIC1 抑癌蛋白與STAT3 致癌蛋白交互調控之研究 Mutual regulation of tumor suppressor HIC1 and oncogenic protein STAT3 |
2014/05/01-2015/04/30 |
*2014/09/01 |
施修明 Hsiu-Ming Shih |
02-26523520![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14003 CLEC18A/B/C 之基因型及表現型之多樣性與捐血者對登革病毒反應感受性之相關性研究 Association study of polymorphic CLEC18 with susceptibility to dengue virus infection of blood donors |
2014/02/01- |
*2014/09/25 |
謝世良 Shie-Liang Hsieh |
02-27871245![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14008 HtrA4 絲氨酸蛋白酶調控胎盤細胞入侵的機制 Regulatory mechanism of placental cell invasion by HtrA4 serine protease |
2014/08/01-2017/07/31 |
*2016/08/22 |
陳宏文 Hung-Wen Chen |
02-27855696 #6090 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14010 微量營養元素及氧化壓力生物標記與砷誘發疾病之個案對照研究 Nested case-control study of arsenic-induced clinical outcomes and levels of micronutrients and oxidative stress biomarkers |
2014/08/01-2017/07/31 |
*2015/07/29 |
陳建仁 Chien-Jen Chen |
02-27898781![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14030 使用TOP-PCR 來全面性地研究血漿內的循流DNA 與癌症突變 Global investigation of circulating DNA and cancer somatic mutations in plasma using TOP-PCR |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
*2016/03/31 |
邱國平 Kuo-Ping Chiu |
02-27871257![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14039 探討CELF1 蛋白如何造成肌強直型肌肉萎縮症心血管功能變異 Investigating the role of CELF1 elevation in microvasculature dysfunction in myotonic dystrophy |
2014/01/01-2016/12/31 |
*2015/06/18 |
王桂馨 Guey-Shin Wang |
02-26523051![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14050 |
2015/01/01-2020/12/31 |
*2018/06/21 |
郭紘志 Hung-Chih Kuo |
02-26529580 #201 ![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14059 標靶一個具分泌及細胞表面特性且帶功能性多醣體蛋白SCUBE2 來發展乳癌診斷及治療方法 Targeting a secreted and cell-surface protein SCUBE2 carrying functional glycans for diagnosis and therapy of breast cancer |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
*2016/02/15 |
楊瑞彬 Ruey-Bing Yang |
02-26523943![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14066 研發治療性抗體運用於腫瘤幹細胞之偵測和標靶治療 Development of therapeutic antibodies for cancer stem cell detection and targeted therapy |
2015/01/01-2017/12/31 |
*2016/03/23 |
吳漢忠 Han-Chung Wu |
02-27899528![]() |
AS-IRB-BM-14071 |
2015/07/01-2018/06/30 |
*2016/07/19 |
蕭宏昇 Michael Hsiao |
02-27871243![]() |